Thursday, January 15, 2015


Source: Rising Continent
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By Milton Allimadi
New York, NY

In 1994 the world stood by and watched as Rwanda’s descended into genocidal killings for more than 100 days. According to new evidence, the massacres were sparked after Gen. Paul Kagame, then leader of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) ordered the plane carrying two presidents, including Rwanda’s Juvenal Habyarimana, to be shot down (Please see new BBC documentary “Rwanda’s Untold Story.” ).
During a protest of mainly Congolese staged on 28.11.12 at the diplomatic representations of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo in London days after the rebel group M23 had occupied Goma.
During a protest of mainly Congolese staged on 28.11.12 at the 
diplomatic representations of Rwanda and Democratic 
Republic of Congo in London days after the rebel group M23 
had occupied Goma.
Now 21 years later, there is a risk that Rwanda and neighboring Congo can revert to genocidal killings if U.S. envoy to the Great Lakes region, Russ Feingold, does not renounce his support for warfare as the approach to disarm the FDLR militia, which is regarded as threat to regional stability. Many Rwanda experts such as Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Rwanda’s former ambassador to the USA, under Gen. Kagame’s regime, reject any new war in the region. He and many others want peace negotiations to continue.
Dr. Rudasingwa believes war only benefits unindicted U.S.-backed war criminal Paul Kagame whose role in igniting the 1994 genocide has now been exposed by the BBC. People who care about global peace and for the lives of innocent Africans, must tell Russ Feingold to support peace negotiations between the FDLR, Gen. Kagame, and other stakeholders in Rwanda, Congo and the region. NO TO ANOTHER WAR THAT CAN SPARK GENOCIDE.
As we start the new year 2015 the drum beats are once again sounding in the Congo — the U.S. must oppose not join this drum beat.
Launching a New War In the Congo is not the best way to neutralize threats from the FDLR.
Former Senator Russ Feingold, now the U.S.’s Special Envoy to the Great Lakes believes the best way to disarm the FDLR, the Rwanda militia accused of human rights abuses in Rwanda and in Congo is through armed intervention.
This is wrong. This approach could escalate the conflict in Central and East Africa and fighting could spiral out of control into genocidal killings.
War is also a gift for the military rulers of Rwanda and Uganda, who have on numerous occasions used troop deployments and regional fighting to deflect attention and focus away from domestic political repression and denial of democracy to the citizens of these two countries.
The proposed Feingold-intervention, whether with MONUSCO, the UN force in Congo, or would the East African Standby force that includes the militaries of Rwanda under brutal dictator Gen. Paul Kagame and Uganda’s under ruthless dictator Gen. Yoweri Museveni, spells grave disaster. Congo conflict will surely invite Rwanda and Uganda destructive mischief.
Rwanda’s and Uganda’s army have already caused genocidal killings inside Congo through their multiple invasions of Congo, during which these armies and the political leadership also plundered billions of dollars of Congo’s resources. In 2005 Uganda was found liable for what amounts to war crimes in the Congo and Congo was awarded $6 billion to $10 billion — Uganda has not paid a dime.
According to an article in The Wall Street Journal on June 8, 2006, the International Criminal Court (ICC) also launched a criminal investigation and Gen. Museveni, possibly fearing indictment, urged then U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to block the investigation.
A United Nations investigation known as “The Mapping Report” also found that Rwanda’s army under Gen. Kagame committed genocide against Hutu refugees inside Congo.
Most recently a documentary by the BBC “Rwanda’s Untold Story” tied Gen. Kagame to the assassination of then Rwanda president Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994 by ordering his plan shot down, also killing the president of Burundi who was on the same plane.
A Spanish and French court is also investigating Rwanda’s top military and political leadership, including Gen. Kagame, on the Habyarimana assassination, which sparked the genocide in Rwanda.
In essence, Gen. Museveni and Gen. Kagame are unindicted war criminals who are provided political and diplomatic cover by the U.S. and by the U.K. administrations.
They must not be allowed to launch new wars of aggression against Congo under the guise of disarming the FDLR, which indeed must be disarmed — but not by belligerent countries, Rwanda and Uganda, whose armies have caused untold misery in Congo with an estimated 7 million to 10 million deaths of Congolese.
President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania, East Africa’s most stable and politically tolerant democracy –whose presidency has term limits– has called for dialogue between the Kagame regime and the FDLR, to accompany the disarmament. Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, Rwanda’s former ambassador to the United States, who was once Gen. Kagame’s chief of staff, also argues for such an approach to resolve the conflict.
With his ugly human rights record and ties to the Habyarimana assassination, and his past support of the M23 terrorist army, which had to be defeated by a Special UN Force –and forced President Obama to personally telephone  him in Kigali– Gen. Kagame does not have the moral authority to reject negotiations for peace and reconciliation.
U.S. Special Envoy to the Great Lakes, Feingold, must back down from war-mongering as the first option to resolve the crisis. He could help trigger a new round of genocide in the region.
Say “NO” to War In the Congo.
Please Sign the Petition
Today we have evidence that US and UK backed the Rwandan president militarily and diplomatically in perpetrating the 1994 genocide which killed around 800,000 Rwandans. During the last 21 years, we are also aware of their backing of Rwanda and Uganda in the Congolese genocide which took more than six million of lives.
Presently they are at it again warmongering, intimidating and harassing SADC countries not ready nor willing to kill innocent Africans. Reuters and other western media of intoxication of public opinion are busy working on making people accept as logical that hutu refugees in Eastern Congo should be massacred as in 1996 and thereafter.
I am inviting all Africans who are not CHARLIE but value first and foremost African lives, plus real friends of the continent across the world, and who have public channels of communication, to post on their different social media platforms and talk widely about these new waves of massacres against our people that UN, UNSC, MONUSCO, Rwanda, Uganda, and other local and global agents of imperialism, are preparing for the Democratic Republic of the CONGO under the pretext of pursuing FDLR.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Attacking and finishing off FDLR: Underlying objective and resistance

Source: The Rising Continent
By Darius Sunray Murinzi
We are Africans. We are not Charlie.
Picture of Ba Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, by Don't Be Blind This Time
Picture of Ba Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, by Don’t Be Blind This Time
In Rwandan political parlance FDLR means Hutu [at some extent, it means simply Africans, because when the Rwandan president kills instinctively Tutsi and Hutu as documented by BBC TWO Rwanda Untold Story, he does not care about the identity of his victims –editor’s emphasis]. Anyone who disagrees with the Tutsi dominated RPF government is immediately accused of being FDLR. Some media outlets, even some famous individuals who support the RPF tend to imply in their speeches, that the word Hutu means killer.
Hutu refugees have been killed inCongo from 1996 up to now.
This is done to make sure that anytime great numbers of Hutus are killed anywhere in the world, their deaths go unnoticed or in the category of a well deserved consequence to a people who are inherently evil, and whose lives should not count for anything. This explains the silence over the deaths of millions of hutus from Rwanda, DRC, and Burundi. When you add up all the other Bantu peoples who were slaughtered by the Tutsi armies of Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi in the last 24 years, because they looked like hutus, the numbers are staggering, and the silence over this horror by the UN and the world media, which shamelessly give these numbers, is shocking to say the least.
This means that, whenever we hear Russ Feingold, John Pendergast, Jason Stearns or Martin Kobler talking about eradicating the FDLR from the face of the earth, they really mean Hutus consciously, or unconsciously. This stance sends a chill down the spine of every Hutu in the Great Lakes region, young or old and the unintended consequence of this irrational position makes lasting peace impossible to achieve in the region, because cementing hatred through a well orchestrated strategy of persecution of the Hutu people in the region will always meet fierce resistance, whether the current FDLR survives or not.
In the last few weeks, a number of proposals have been put forward with the stated aim to bring peace and stability, in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo by killing off the FDLR, all from Western based institutions or countries. The one that especially caught my eyes is the one being pushed by the Enough Project and some shady character named Jason Stearns who claims to be an expert on all things African. This proposal which seems to be the same one embraced by Russ Feingold and the Obama administration is predicated on these three steps:
  • Step one: Kill or arrest the FDLR leadership or make them defect to Kagame’s side, if this doesn’t work exile them to Siberia or the North Pole,
  • Step two: Round up all Rwandan Hutu Refugees in the Eastern DRC, and put them into UN guarded concentration camps,
  • Step three: Ship all these Hutu Refugees into the even bigger RDF guarded concentration camp, which is Rwanda,
This insidious American backed project must be supervised by a German dude by the name of Martin Kobler, who in turn expects African countries such as the DRC, Tanzania, South Africa and Malawi to enforce this insanity on his behalf and his UN bosses. The fact that this is not a new idea does not seem to bother anyone in Washington or New York. After all, this is what the UN has been trying to do since 1994, when it helped the US and Great Britain change the geopolitical landscape in the Great lakes region of Africa, bringing the RPF to power in Kigali and removing Mobutu in the same way the UN helped remove Patrice Lumumba in the early 60’s.
The FDLR survives not because they are a bunch of killers roaming around the jungles, shooting at everything that moves. The FDLR survives and will always survive because it fights for a noble cause of liberty, equality and justice; that the people understand and are willing to die for.
For the US and the UN to keep deluding themselves that every Hutu in the region is going to lay down their weapons and surrender to a Tutsi dominated government and go back to living in slavery, as it was centuries before the 1959 social revolution, in this day and age is baffling to most Africans, and I can’t help but wonder, who is piloting this runaway train.
The UN has forfeited its right to be an honest broker in all things Rwandan, since the days of Lt. General Dallaire who still talks about Hutus as the bad guys and Tutsis as the good guys, without any sense of nuance whatsoever, to the three hundred thousands Hutu refugees slaughtered under its watch in the DRC as evidenced by the -you guessed it- UN Mapping Report, which is still gathering dusts in somebody’s cabinet in New York.
By trying to implicate SADC nations into the US/UN latest attempt to slaughter Hutu refugees en masse, because they refused to bow to the Kigali regime, until it accepts an honest political dialogue with its opposition, the US/UN cartel is trying to drag SADC’s credibility with the Rwandan Hutu refugees and all other people of goodwill who admire and respect what SADC did by helping the DRC get rid of the Kagame/Museveni backed murderous thugs known as M23.
Trying to equate the FDLR to M23 in order to justify a UN led military offensive on an unarmed defenceless population is an insane proposition, which can only bring disastrous results, and I hope and pray that SADC nations can see through the lies and ruses of those who are trying to cover up crimes they committed against our people, by bullying our brothers and sisters into starting an unnecessary fratricidal criminal insanity though military confrontation.
It is worth noting that since the defeat of the M23 the region has remained relatively calm, and whatever troubles that occurred in some parts of Eastern DRC had nothing whatsoever to do with the FDLR, and yet the utmost World body for peace and security is calling for war, and the Representative of the so-called world’s greatest democracy, Mr. Feingold, is telling the world, how impatient he is about the voluntary peace process that was initiated by the FDLR, trusting SADC to help bring everyone to the peace table, including the Kigali government.
Mr. Feingold is not ashamed at all, to say how much he wants to see more bloodshed in our region, as if we haven’t seen enough blood already. [There are nations including US which cannot prosper without imposing wars on other nations; this certainly is the case as far as Eastern Congo is concerned – editor’s emphasis]
Who in their right mind says that since a peace process is not moving as fast as they would like to see, even if it is moving and it hasn’t stalled at all, they’d rather see blood? Who is supposed to do the killing and the dying and for what? Besides, why does the US/UN feel that they should get the last word in a situation that is entirely a DRC/ Rwanda affair?
More than a year ago, when President Kikwete of Tanzania suggested to Paul Kagame that he should talk to the FDLR, Kagame publicly threatened to kill the soft spoken Tanzanian gentleman. Kagame also went on to state publicly that he will shoot anyone who opposes his government in broad daylight. It didn’t take long until we started seeing dead bodies float around Rwandese lakes and rivers, and in an extremely arrogant fashion, the Government of Rwanda admitted that more than sixty thousand of its citizens have disappeared, including 18 thousand school children. This is the man our people are supposed to trust and he is the one, in whose hands, Russ Feingold wants us to put ours and our children’s lives. [It is as if these westerners take Africans as stupid and without any memory at all – editor’s emphasis]
Before anyone keeps insisting on pushing Hutu refugees to go back to Rwanda without any guarantees of freedom and democracy, through a reliable political dispensation, they should do a head count of the people who returned since 1995 especially through the UNHCR and shows us where they are, and how they are doing? We know how well Gen.Rwarakabije [former FDLR leader today working with the Rwandan regime] is doing. Forget him! Show us all the people who returned with him, and if you can’t produce them, at least tell us what happened to them, and why it happened.
The truth deficiency in Rwandan politics and the Great lakes region has reached the point of saturation. It is up to SADC to bring everyone to the table and hold them accountable where it is necessary. We can start by doing a proper census of all the lives that were lost in the Great Lakes region since 1990, in order to fix the underlying ethnic tensions, away from nefarious media propaganda, and institutionalized persecution of our people by those who seek to dominate the continent, by exacerbating local rivalries, so that they can benefit from the ensuing chaos.
Every single life that is lost on our [African] continent should matter.
Claiming that we don’t know how many people died in Rwanda or the DRC and who they were, and who their families are, tells the rest of the world that we don’t care about our own, and therefore it is OK to do as they please with us. Moreover, the fact that those who are responsible for the 10 million Bantus of Eastern Congo haven’t been brought to account for their crimes, and instead they are calling for more of our people’s blood creates a lasting stain on our continent’s psyche.
We are Africans. We are not Charlie. [editor’s emphasis]
Most of the problems of Rwanda are Rwandan made and they will not be resolved by anybody else, as powerful as they may be; same as the issue of Eastern DRC. It is crucial that the African countries who understand the underlying issues of the region don’t fold, in face of the extreme pressure being exercised by Western vultures, who currently see Africa, especially the Great lakes region, as nothing else but a source of cheap or free resources and ruthless mercenaries, such as Kagame and Museveni.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Grenades, gunshots, and Feingold's call for rights in Rwanda

By Ann Garrison
Digital Journal
March 6, 2010

On March 5th, three days after Senator Russ Feingold, Chair of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Africa, called for the opening of political space in Rwanda, grenades exploded again in Kigali, with 16 people hurt, some critically.

The Feingold Statement on the Fragility of Democracy in Africa was read into the Congressional Record and released to the public on Monday, March 2nd, 2010, as tension continued to increase in the run up to this year's Rwandan presidential election, with polls scheduled for August 9th, and opposition parties still struggling to convene, register, campaign, and avoid arrest.

Two days later, on Wednesday, March 5th, President Paul Kagame insisted that the country was safe after grenades exploded, killing two and injuring 18, at three heavily trafficked sites in Rwanda's capitol city, Kigali, on February 19th. 
However, the next evening, on March 5th, grenades exploded in Kigali again. The African Great Lakes regional outlet also reported gunfire.

Earlier in the week Kagame's former Army Chief of Staff, and, until last week, Ambassador to India, Lieutenant-General Kayumba Nyamwasa, was reported to have fled to South Africa, via Uganda and Kenya, after questioning by Rwandan authorities, to join Kagame's former right hand man and Director of External Intelligence, who escaped from Rwanda in 2007 after serving a prison sentence. Kagame was reported to be seeking to extradite both, but Kayumba has since been reported to be proceeding to Europe.

News also reported that their Rwandan correspondent Godwin Agaba had gone into hiding after Kagame ordered his arrest for alleged links to his fleeing general.

Rwanda's Ambassador to the Netherlands, said to have helped Victoire Ingabiré Umuhoza return to Rwanda, reportedly fled to Ireland last week.

Amidst all this, Rwandan opposition leaders and dissident exiles cheered the news of Senator Feingold's call, addressed to President Barack Obama, for the United States to stand with Rwandans for political and civil rights. The UK and the United States are widely known to be the foreign powers with greatest influence in the region.

"Good news indeed," said Donatien Nshima, a Rwandan exile and FDU-Inkingi Party activist in Brussels, who added that he was creating a Twitter account immediately to share some of Senator Feingold's words: "We fail to be true friends to the Rwandan people if we do not stand with them in the fight against renewed abuse of civil and political rights." 
Feingold's statement on Rwanda was a substantial part of his larger statement regarding African democracy and elections in 2010 and 2011:

Mr. President, Burundi’s neighbor to the north, Rwanda, is also slated to hold important elections this summer. Rwanda is another country that has come a long way. Since the genocide in 1994, the government and people of Rwanda have made impressive accomplishments in rebuilding the country and improving basic services. It is notable that Rwanda was the top reformer worldwide in the 2010 World Bank’s “Doing Business Report.” President Kagame has shown commendable and creative leadership in this respect. On the democratic front, however, Rwanda still has a long way to go.

Understandably there are real challenges to fostering democracy some 15 years after the genocide, but it is troubling that there is not more space within Rwanda for criticism and opposition voices. The State Department’s 2008 Human Rights Report for Rwanda stated, “There continued to be limits on freedom of speech and of association, and restrictions on the press increased.” With elections looming, there are now some reports that opposition party members in Rwanda are facing increasing threats and harassment. The international community should not shy away from pushing for greater democratic space in Rwanda, which is critical for the country’s lasting stability. We fail to be true friends to the Rwandan people if we do not stand with them in the fight against renewed abuse of civil and political rights. In the next few months in the run-up to the elections, it is a key time for international donors to raise these issues with Kigali.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Théogène Rudasingwa
Théogène Rudasingwa
Source: Ikaze iwacu
31 décembre 2014
Addressing citizens of Rwanda December 12, 2014, President Kagame promised an expensive war to proponents of freedom, human rights, justice and democracy in Rwanda, and peace in the Great Lakes region. Amplifying Kagame’s belligerent remarks, Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo dismissed FDLR as « bandits » and such proponents of freedom and peace as « children selling candy ».
On December 30, 2014, U.S. Special Envoy to the Great Lakes region, Ambassador Russ Feingold, told reporters that military action should be taken against the Rwandan armed group FDLR. Ambassador Feingold added that the ‘United States stands ready’ to support such military action after the expiry of the January 2, 2015, deadline. Behind the scene there are frantic activities for Kagame and Museveni to by-pass SADC, and deploy the East African Stand-by Force, get Angola replace Tanzania and South Africa, thus qualifying for support by U.S. Special Forces.
Africa, you are forewarned of this new militaristic venture in our midst
The United States is wrong again in supporting and spearheading a policy choice with grave and potentially catastrophic consequences for Rwandans and people of the Great Lakes region. As in 1994, when President Clinton and his advisers chose to ignore the plight of Rwandans, ushering in genocide and suffering in the Great Lakes region, now his fellow Democrat, President Obama is calling for war in DRC. Those who advised President Clinton against helping Rwandans in 1994 now hold even senior positions in the Obama White House, and have now decided that the best option for Rwanda now is to shoot Rwandans. 
First, FDLR has called for dialogue with the Kagame regime while accepting to lay down its arms. The Kagame regime has categorically stated it will not negotiate with FDLR because it comprises of genocidaires ( despite the fact that over 20 years Rwanda has integrated thousands of such elements in its Rwanda Defence Forces).
The United States echoes the Rwandan position whole sale, by not differentiating those who should account for their crimes, from the rank and file who have legitimate demands regarding marginalization of the Hutu in the post-1994 political dispensation. Accountability for crimes among those in FDLR who are responsible is an important principle that should be upheld. Equally, Kagame and his clique, responsible for horrendous abuses in Rwanda, DRC and across the globe should be equally held accountable.
Second, unlike the M23, FDLR is NOT fighting UN peacekeepers, Rwandan or Congolese armies. Why should the United States and Rwanda think that a war of annihilation against this group of Rwandans will be a viable and just effort this time?
Third, another war effort in DRC may once again turn regional and expensive, as Kagame wants and has promised, with humanitarian consequences to Congolese people and Rwandan refugees in DRC. The human toll on Rwandans and Congolese in DRC, largely due to Kagame’s wars of impunity, enabled by US protective policies have left over six millions dead in the last two decades. There are over a quarter of a million Rwandan refugees languishing in the jungles of DRC. Is the United States ready to take responsibility of another and far worse humanitarian catastrophe? 
Fourth, the main architects of the M23 defeat, notably South Africa, Tanzania and DRC are not keen on purely military solutions that do not take into consideration Rwanda’s domestic repression that requires a peaceful dialogue, not only with FDLR but also with Rwanda’s political opposition. Kagame has closed political space. He kills and imprisons his opponents. Unable to persuade SADC as to the rationale for war, the United States has resorted to big-sticks, a check book and  gunboats to woo Angola and isolate Tanzania and. South Africa. 
Fifth, the United States push for war risks inflaming an already fragile and polarized situation in Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since Kagame has ruled out any dialogue with armed or political opposition to his brutal and repressive regime, and it’s principal and powerful ally ( United States) calls for war, the voices for peaceful change will increasingly become marginalized as civil war becomes the only realistic option for regime change. As Kagame promised, this will be expensive for all Rwandans, including Kagame and his henchmen, for the Great Lakes region, and for international community. Just as President Clinton has lived with a guilt-laden conscience due to his failure to act in 1994, a U.S.-engineered Rwandan/DRC tragedy may indeed come to be included in President Obama’s fateful legacy in Africa. 
Rwandans, Congolese, SADC, Africans and peace-loving members of the international community should resist calls for war by the United States and President Kagame. Instead, let Rwandans, supported by SADC, the African Unity, and the international community, push for a dialogue for peace between the Kagame regime and the FDLR as well as with the political opposition. 
The United States should move away from a  dangerous militaristic Kagame-centric policy that supports a brutal regime with horrendous human rights abuses in Rwanda, DRC and across the world. Such a policy may look good in the short term, but in the medium to long term it is counter-productive to U.S. national interests. Most importantly, it runs against the foundational principles of freedom, equality and pursuit of happiness upon which the United States is built, and which even wretched Rwandans as human beings demand and deserve.
Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa
Washington, D.C.
December 30, 2014
Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa was formerly Ambassador of Rwanda to the United States, Chief of Staff to President Paul Kagame, and Secretary General of the Rwanda’s ruling party, the Rwandese Patriotic Front ( RPF). He is the Coordinator of the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), and author of Healing A Nation, and Urgent Call.
Related Story:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

On The Myth Of Collective Responsibility In Rwandan Genocide

By Mamadou Kouyate
August 5, 2009

“The idea, it was said, was to involve as many people as possible in the killings, to spread the blame and the responsibility. That might explain why more than one million Hutus fled the country when the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front invaded and stopped the genocide”.

The above is a quote from “Trying to come to terms with mass slaughter, Report from Rwanda, Genocide Museum” by Jim Handman, published in CBC News on July 30, 2009.

Jim Handman is Executive Producer with the CBC show Quirks & Quarks. He is teaching journalism this summer at the National University of Rwanda. Given so many inaccuracies in his report one may wonder whether this is responsible journalism or simply another RPF lie propaganda.

Jim Handman's personal belief in the Rwandan genocide “collective responsibility” sharply contrasts with the views expressed in a research paper “The Psychocultural Roots of Genocide: Legitimacy and Crisis in Rwanda” by Professor David Norman Smith, published in the American Psychologist, July 1998, Vol. 53, No. 7, 743-753.

Here are some excerpts from the article:

It remains disconcertingly true that many people, including many ordinary Rwandans, joined willingly in the slaughter. How many? According to Jefremovas (1995, p. 28), estimates vary widely, from as few as 10,000 to as many as 75,000–150,000.

However, one should also keep in mind that Jefremovas (1995, p. 28) is so far the source of the higher estimate. Prunier (1995, p. 342) falls in the middle, estimating 80,000–100,000 génocidaires, whereas Ndilikilikesha (March 5, 1998) feels that 10,000 is closer to the truth:

“How many participated? No more than 20 people per commune; meaning about 20 × 140 = 2,800. Add to this say 1,000 bureaucrats in Kigali and the prefectures, 3,000 Interahamwe [death squad members], and maybe 2,000 members of the army. In total, you come up with less than 10,000 active participants.”

Considering several millions of Rwandan Hutus who perished in the so-called RPF reprisal killings in Rwanda (1994-2000) and in DRC (1996-Present), and several thousands of Hutus that are in Rwandan prisons, one may wonder how many "genocidaires" are still on the run.

For more than two decades the RPF regime has enjoyed impunity and has been busy tracking down Rwandan refugees worldwide.

In its most recent report on DRC, the Enough Project stated that donors must increase pressure on the Rwandan government to state publicly and precisely which members of the FDLR are wanted for genocide.

Additionally, in its latest report on DRC, the International Crisis Group also challenged the RPF regime to provide, in a timely manner, an exhaustive list of the so-called genocidaires that are within the FDLR ranks.

Furthermore, in his recent letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator Russ Feingold, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, said that “the international community should urge Kigali to open direct negotiations with non-genocidaire combatants of the FDLR to encourage their repatriation”.

In the same letter, Senator Russ Feingold also backed calls for an end to ongoing military operations to forcefully disarm the rebels – some of who are accused of taking part in the Tutsis massacres in Rwanda.

Beyond all expectations, Paul Kagame instead dismissed calls for FDLR negotiations and vowed for more joint military operations in eastern DRC while Allan Doss, advocated for the prosecution of the so-called FDLR sponsors.

For how long Paul Kagame and his western allies will continue to play such an old game aimed at distracting the international community from the root cause of the current crisis in DRC?

Time will tell.

Sooner or later the RPF leadership will face justice for so many innocent civilians they have killed in Rwanda and in DRC.

Related Materials:
Ending the World's Deadliest War in Eastern Congo

Congo: A Comprehensive Strategy to Disarm the FDLR

Rwanda: Pressure for FDLR-Government Talks Mounting

Rwanda: Paul Kagame is implicated in war crimes and crimes against humanity

COMBAT MEDIC: An Australian’s eyewitness account of the Kibeho Massacre

Rwanda: Alarming resurgence of killings

Rwanda: Ending the silence

Rwanda: The hidden violence: "disappearances" and killings continue

Goma/Bukavu: Testimony of a direct eye witness, January 1997

DRC: Murder of Hutu women and children around Mbandaka

Mbandaka Terminus: The Path of Rwandan Refugee Mass Graves in Congo

Refugees From Congo Give Vivid Accounts of Killings

USA: Article prompts memories of Rwanda struggle

The Real Authors of the Congo Crimes: Nkunda has been arrested but who will arrest Kagame?

Paul Kagame, the Mastermind of the Genocide of Interior Tutsis

Rwanda: Paul Kagame Sacrificed The Tutsis

Rwanda, the key to peace in Democratic Republic of Congo

The Legacy of The Crematoriums of Rwanda

Friday, December 19, 2014

Congo: How to Dismantle a Deadly Militia / Comment Démanteler une Milice Meurtrière

Facing a deadline from the UN Security Council and regional African governments to fully demobilize or face military operations by January 2, 2015, the rebel group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo known as the FDLR  is currently regrouping, mobilizing political support, and continuing to pose a regional security threat. Based on 6 months of field research, this report outlines seven policy steps for policymakers to take to help end the FDLR.
Devant l’échéance imposée par le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies et les gouvernement africains de la région pour se démobiliser complètement d’ici le 2 janvier 2015, sous peine de faire face à des actions militaires, le groupe rebelle connu sous le nome des FDLR  en République Démocratique du Congo, est actuellement en train de se regrouper, de mobiliser un soutien politique et constitue toujours une menace pour la sécurité de la région. Basé sur 6 mois de recherche en profondeur, ce rapport présente sept étapes pour les décideurs politiques à prendre pour mettre fin à la FDLR.

How to Dismantle a Deadly Militia: Seven Non-Military Tactics to Help End the FDLR Threat in Congo

Executive Summary and Recommendations

Facing a deadline from the UN Security Council and regional African governments to fully demobilize or face military operations by January 2, 2015, the rebel group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo known as the FDLR  is currently regrouping, mobilizing political support, and continuing to pose a regional security threat. The FDLR is one of the most significant and abusive armed groups in Congo and Rwanda, several of its leaders were involved in helping to perpetrate the Rwandan genocide, and it has committed repeated massacres against civilians in Congo.

Combatting the FDLR has become the stated raison d’être for several active Congolese armed groups.  An important reason to focus on the FDLR is that Rwanda has repeatedly cited the FDLR threat as a justification to intervene in eastern Congo. Ending the FDLR would counter that justification and eliminate one of the major drivers of instability in eastern Congo and the region.

Evidence from U.N. experts and findings from six months of Enough Project field research in Congo suggest that the FDLR’s current strategy is focused on reorganizing itself in three main areas: generating more income to trade for ammunition and weapons, mobilizing political support in an attempt to gain greater legitimacy, and preparing to avoid military defeat through alliance-building and recruitment. Despite the group’s rhetoric that its fighters are in the process of disarming, the FDLR has failed to meet several deadlines to demobilize set by regional governments and the international community. Fewer than 200 rank-and-file soldiers have laid down their weapons to date, and the group has refused to relocate to designated demobilization camps.

The FDLR continues to generate revenue mainly by trading gold through North Kivu and Uganda and by illegally producing and trading charcoal from Virunga National Park, a trade worth an estimated $32 million per year.  The group is using part of that revenue to purchase ammunition and arms from Congolese army officers, with whom it continues to collaborate and share intelligence. The U.N. Group of Experts and interviewees around Virunga Park also note that the FDLR continues to recruit foot soldiers.  The FDLR has also struck military alliances with Congolese armed groups, including Maï-Maï Lafontaine and others. Finally, the FDLR is gathering political momentum by having created new alliances with four Rwandan political parties that are frustrated with the increasing lack of political space in Rwanda. Anecdotal evidence from Enough Project field interviews shows that these alliances are boosting morale within the FDLR, though some of the enthusiasm has dissipated recently in the wake of strong disarmament messages from regional governments and the international community.

The FDLR’s current strategy is consistent with its longtime pattern of responding to military pressure. In this pattern, the group promises to disarm and reiterates its political aspirations for recognition as a Rwandan opposition group.  The FDLR then uses any reprieve to regroup by building military alliances and increasing economic activity and recruitment.

Since the defeat of the M23 rebel group in November 2013, the FDLR has received significant attention in both the region and the broader international community as the next main armed group to address. This attention, however, has translated into very little policy action to date, and the rebels’ promises to disarm have gone largely unfulfilled. Efforts to end the FDLR have suffered from a lack of consensus to undertake military operations or other non-military steps in part because of the group’s position at the center of regional tensions. The Congolese government, which would have to play a critical role in efforts to counter the FDLR, hesitates in part because its ties to the FDLR are economically and politically beneficial. Several Congolese army officers, for example, continue to benefit from the FDLR’s illegal gold and charcoal trade. South Africa and Tanzania, the chief troop-contributing countries to the U.N. Intervention Brigade in the Congo, have supported Kinshasa to date in large part due to business interests related to the Inga III mega-dam and because of strained relations with Rwanda. South African and Tanzanian leaders have also bristled at Rwanda’s alleged attempted assassinations of political opponents in South Africa. The current chair of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, Angola, has attempted to push the region to act more forcefully on the FDLR, preferring military force but stopping short of contributing troops to the U.N. brigade.

A significant issue with the military option is that the FDLR embeds itself in local communities and refugee populations, creating a legitimate risk that counter-FDLR operations will cause civilian casualties on a scale that is similar to past operations that used conventional military strategies. The risk of civilian casualties can be mitigated if operations using special forces target the FDLR leadership and also incorporate strong civilian protection measures. Lessons from the African Union’s mission to counter the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) should be applied.

Defeating the FDLR will require a comprehensive strategy that incorporates both targeted military approaches and more concerted diplomatic action on non-military areas, including high-level diplomacy, economic measures, incentives to increase defections, humanitarian steps, and criminal accountability.

In particular, the FDLR’s collaboration with the Congolese army and its economic lifelines must be significantly curtailed. This report sets out key non-military approaches to ending the FDLR’s ability to continue to threaten peace and security in the region. A follow-up report will review military steps necessary to address the FDLR.

  1. Regional diplomacy. U.N. Special Envoy Said Djinnit should continue to proactively repair relations between Rwanda and South Africa as well as relations between Rwanda and Tanzania. The aim should be to forge regional consensus for both targeted military operations and urgently-needed non-military measures to neutralize the FDLR. In addition to shuttle diplomacy and bringing key officials together for talks, initiatives could include confidence-building measures, such as facilitating increased economic ties among the countries, issuing common statements on the FDLR, and/or possible diplomatic retreats, such as a new round of the Oyo Process in Congo-Brazzaville.
  2. Cutting off the FDLR’s economic lifelines: charcoal. U.N. Special Envoy Said Djinnit, U.S. Special Envoy Russ Feingold, and U.N. Special Representative Martin Kobler should press the U.N. peacekeeping mission (MONUSCO) and the Congolese police to support the Virunga park rangers of the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN) in interdicting the FDLR’s supply routes for charcoal from Virunga National Park to Goma. The envoys should also press MONUSCO to provide peacekeepers to patrol the park with the Virunga park rangers to help curtail charcoal production in the park.
  3. Accountability for Congolese army officers. Djinnit, Feingold, Kobler, and Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos should escalate pressure on the Congolese government to investigate, suspend, and indict Congolese military officers who are suspected of collaborating with the FDLR. The issue should be placed on the agendas of the ICGLR high-level talks and the U.N. Security Council. Such collaboration is a major issue, because it enables the rebels to avoid attacks and resupply. Despite several years of such collaboration documented by U.N. experts, no Congolese army officer has ever been suspended for collaboration with the FDLR.
  4. Work to apprehend FDLR leader Sylvestre Mudacumura and encourage public indictments. Djinnit, Feingold, and dos Santos should urge MONUSCO and the Congolese government to cooperate with the International Criminal Court, apprehend Mudacumura, and strengthen the case against him. Work on this area can help both break down the structures of impunity that allow FDLR’s leadership to thrive and also restore dignity and security to victims. The envoys should also encourage regional governments to develop investigations and public indictments against FDLR, M23, and other high-level persons accused of committing grave atrocity crimes. Public indictments will help encourage non-indicted FDLR and other armed combatants to defect without fear of apprehension.
  5. Third-country resettlement. Djinnit, European Union Representative Koen Vervaeke, and Feingold should finalize negotiations with countries outside the Great Lakes region and develop concrete options for resettlement for FDLR combatants who are not indicted for atrocity crimes and who have a fear of return to Rwanda. Such offers should include the protective measures necessary to encourage increased defection.
  6. Refugees. Djinnit, Feingold, and Kobler should work with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to set up protected camps for refugees in eastern Congo. The envoys should also ensure that MONUSCO provides security for the camps. The current internal displacement camps where Rwandan refugees stay serve as recruitment pools for the FDLR. The creation of U.N. refugee camps with much stronger security and protection provided by MONUSCO would help counter FDLR recruitment from these camps.
  7. Security guarantees. Djinnit, Feingold, and dos Santos should work with Rwanda to provide an improved security plan that is co-signed by international actors and to issue a new statement that would outline more concrete plans for security and non-prosecution guarantees for FDLR combatants not indicted for grave crimes. Rwanda has had a policy to date, but security deals that have been reportedly broken have made FDLR fighters not trust the current arrangements. A new revised program, co-signed by the United Nations and/or the Southern African Development Community (SADC), could help spur more defections from the FDLR.

Read the full report here (PDF)

Comment Démanteler une Milice Meurtrière: Sept Stratégies Non-Militaires pour Aider à Mettre Fin à la Menace des FDLR au Congo

Résumé exécutif et recommandations

Devant l’échéance imposée par le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies et les gouvernement africains de la région pour se démobiliser complètement d’ici le 2 janvier 2015, sous peine de faire face à des actions militaires, le groupe rebelle connu sous le nome des FDLR  en République Démocratique du Congo, est actuellement en train de se regrouper, de mobiliser un soutien politique et constitue toujours une menace pour la sécurité de la région. Les FDLR représentent l’un des groupes armés les plus importants et brutaux au Congo et au Rwanda, plusieurs de ses dirigeants ont contribué à perpétuer le génocide Rwandais, et à plusieurs reprises le groupe a commis des massacres contre les civils au Congo.

La lutte contre les FDLR est devenue la raison d’être pour certains des groupes armés Congolais en activité.  Le fait que le Rwanda ait cité à plusieurs reprises la menace des FDLR pour justifier une intervention à l’Est du Congo, est une raison substantielle pour les cibler. Mettre un terme aux FDLR contrecarrerait cette justification et éliminerait l’un des facteurs majeurs de l’instabilité à l’Est du Congo et dans la région.

Les données d’experts des Nations Unies et les résultats de 6 mois de recherche sur le terrain par Enough Project au Congo, suggèrent que la stratégie actuelle des FDLR vise à sa réorganisation dans trois domaines: générer plus de revenus pour échanger contre des munitions et des armes, mobiliser un soutien politique afin de tenter d’acquérir davantage de légitimité, et s’organiser afin d’éviter une défaite militaire en créant des alliances et en recrutant. Malgré le discours du groupe selon lequel ses combattants sont engagés dans un processus de désarmement, les FDLR ont manqué de respecter plusieurs échéances de démobilisation établies par les gouvernements régionaux et la communauté internationale. Moins de 200 simples soldats ont déposé leurs armes, et le groupe a refusé de se relocaliser dans les camps de démobilisations désignés.

Les FDLR continuent de générer des revenus principalement en troquant de l’or à travers le Nord-Kivu et l’Uganda ainsi qu’en produisant et en troquant illégalement du charbon de bois du Parc National des Virunga, un commerce estimé d’une valeur de 32 million de dollars l’année.  Le groupe utilise une partie de ces recettes pour se procurer des munitions et des armes auprès d’officiers de l’armée congolaise, avec qui il continue de collaborer et d’échanger des renseignements. Le Groupe d’Experts des Nations Unies et les personnes interrogées aux alentours du Parc des Virunga remarquent également que les FDLR continuent de recruter des soldats d’infanterie.  Les FDLR ont également conclu des alliances militaires avec des groupes armés congolais, comprenant les Maï-Maï Lafontaine et d’autres. Enfin, les FDLR ont accéléré leur élan politique en ayant créé de nouvelles alliances avec quatre partis politiques Rwandais frustrés de manquer de plus en plus d’espace politique au Rwanda. Les anecdotes de personnes interviewées sur le terrain par Enough Project montrent que ces alliances renforcent le moral au sein des FDLR, bien que cet enthousiasme se soit quelque peu dissipé récemment, à la suite de messages fermes pour le désarmement, diffusés par les gouvernements régionaux et la communauté internationale.

La stratégie actuelle des FDLR est cohérente avec le schéma traditionnel qu’elles emploient face à la pression militaire. Selon ce schéma, le groupe promet de se désarmer et réitère ses ambitions politiques d’être reconnu comme un parti d’opposition rwandais.  Les FDLR profitent ensuite de tout sursis occasionné pour se regrouper en créant des alliances militaires et en augmentant l’activité économique et le recrutement.

Depuis la défaite du groupe rebelle M23 en novembre 2013, les FDLR ont reçu beaucoup d’attention, tant dans la région que parmi la communauté internationale dans son ensemble, au titre du prochain groupe armé dont le démantèlement est essentiel. Cette attention, cependant, s’est traduite par très peu d’action politique jusqu’à présent, et les promesses des rebelles de se désarmer sont restées largement inassouvies. Les efforts pour mettre un terme aux FDLR ont souffert d’un manque de consensus pour entreprendre des opérations militaires ou d’autres mesures non-militaires, en partie à cause de la position du groupe au centre de tensions régionales. Le gouvernement congolais, qui devrait avoir à jouer un rôle décisif dans les efforts pour contrecarrer les FDLR, hésite en partie parce que ses liens avec les FDLR lui procurent des avantages économiques et politiques. Par exemple, certains officiers de l’armée congolaise continuent de s’enrichir du trafic illégal d’or et de charbon de bois des FDLR.  L’Afrique du Sud et la Tanzanie, pays qui fournissent le plus de contingents à la Brigade d’intervention de la mission des Nations Unies en RDC, ont soutenu Kinshasa jusqu’ici principalement par intérêts commerciaux liés au le méga-barrage Inga III et à cause de relations tendues avec le Rwanda. Les dirigeants sud-africains et tanzaniens ont également réagi avec hostilité aux allégations faites sur le Rwanda, qui aurait commis des tentatives d’assassinat d’opposants politiques en Afrique du Sud.  Le président actuel de la Conférence Internationale sur la Région des Grands Lacs, l’Angola, a tenté de pousser la région à agir plus fermement contre les FDLR, préférant la force militaire mais a coupé court à sa contribution de troupes à la Brigade des Nations Unies.

Un problème considérable avec l’option militaire est que les FDLR se mêlent aux communautés locales et aux populations de réfugiés, créant ainsi un risque légitime que des opérations contre les FDLR causent des pertes civiles à une échelle semblable à celles d’opérations antérieures où des stratégies militaires conventionnelles avaient été employées. Le risque de pertes civiles peut être mitigé si les opérations qui emploient des forces spéciales ciblent les dirigeants des FDLR et comportent également des mesures de protection civile solides. Les leçons de la mission de l’Union africaine pour lutter contre l'Armée de résistance du Seigneur (LRA pour Lord's Resistance Army) devraient être appliquées.

Vaincre les FDLR sollicitera une stratégie globale qui comporte tant des approches militaires ciblées qu’une action diplomatique plus concertée dans des domaines non-militaires, y compris une diplomatie à haut-niveau, des mesures économiques, des mesures d’incitation pour accroître les défections, des mesures humanitaires, et la responsabilité pénale.

En particulier, la collaboration des FDLR avec l’armée congolaise et ses sources économiques vitales doivent être réduites considérablement. Ce rapport expose des approches non-militaires essentielles pour que les FDLR ne soient plus en mesure de continuer de menacer la paix et la sécurité dans la région. Un rapport de suivi fera la revue des mesures militaires nécessaires pour répondre aux FDRL.

  1. La diplomatie régionale. Said Djinnit, Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire-général des Nations Unies pour la région des Grands Lacs, devrait continuer de travailler pour rétablir les relations entre le Rwanda et l’Afrique du Sud, ainsi que les relations entre le Rwanda et la Tanzanie. Le but devrait être de forger un consensus régional tant pour des opérations militaires ciblées que pour des mesures non-militaires nécessaires de toute urgence pour neutraliser les FDLR. En plus de guider la diplomatie et de mener les responsables décisifs à négocier, les initiatives pourraient comporter des mesures visant à rétablir la confiance, telles que soutenir la croissance des liens économiques entre ces pays, publier des déclarations communes sur les FDLR, et/ou des séminaires diplomatiques tels qu’un nouveau cycle du Processus d’Oyo au Congo-Brazzaville. 
  2. Couper les vivres économiques des FDLR : le charbon de bois. Said Djinnit Envoyé spécial des Nations Unies pour la région des Grands-Lacs, Russ Feingold Envoyé spécial des États-Unis pour la région des Grands-Lacs, et Martin Kobler Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour la République démocratique du Congo, devraient faire pression sur la Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO) et la police congolaise pour qu’ils portent soutien aux rangers du parc des Virunga de l’Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN), en interdisant l’utilisation des axes d’approvisionnement en charbon de bois des FDLR entre le Parc National des Virunga et Goma. Les envoyés devraient aussi faire pression sur la MONUSCO pour qu’elle fournisse des casques bleus pour patrouiller avec les rangers du parc des Virunga et contribuer à limiter la production de charbon de bois dans le parc.
  3. La responsabilisation des officiers de l’armée congolaise. Djinnit, Feingold, Kobler et le Président angolais José Eduardo dos Santos, devraient accroître la pression sur le gouvernement congolais pour mettre en examen, suspendre et inculper les officiers de l’armée congolaise qui sont soupçonnés de collaborer avec les FDLR. Ce problème devrait être placé sur l’agenda des négociations de haut-niveau de la CIRGL et du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies. Une telle collaboration représente un problème majeur, parce qu’il permet aux rebelles d'esquiver les attaques et de se ravitailler. Bien que cela fasse plusieurs années qu’une collaboration de cet ordre est été documentée par des experts des Nations Unies, aucun officier de l’armée congolaise n’a jamais été suspendu pour avoir collaboré avec les FDLR.
  4. Œuvrer pour arrêter le chef des FDLSR Sylvestre Mudacumura, et encourager les inculpations publiques. Djinnit, Feingold et dos Santos devraient encourager vivement la MONUSCO et le gouvernement Congolais à coopérer avec la Cour Pénale Internationale, arrêter Mudacumura, et consolider le dossier contre lui. Les efforts dans ce domaine peuvent aider tant à démanteler les structures d’impunité qui permettent aux dirigeants des FDLR de prospérer, qu’à restaurer la dignité et la sécurité des victimes. Les envoyés devraient également encourager les gouvernements régionaux à mettre en place des enquêtes et des inculpations publiques contre les personnes haut-placées des FDLR, M23, et autres, accusées d’avoir commis des crimes d’atrocités graves. Les mises en accusation publiques permettront d’encourager les FDLR et d’autres combattants armés non-inculpés, à déserter sans avoir peur d’être arrêtés.
  5. La réinstallation dans un pays tiers. Djinnit, le Représentant de l’Union Européene, Koen Vervaeke, et Feingold devraient finaliser les négociations avec les pays en dehors de la région des Grands Lacs et développer des options concrètes pour la réinstallation des combattants des FDLR qui ne sont pas inculpés de crimes d’atrocité et qui redoutent de rentrer au Rwanda. De telles propositions devraient comporter les mesures de protection nécessaires pour encourager l’accroissement de la défection.
  6. Les réfugiés. Djinnit, Feingold, et Kobler devraient collaborer avec le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (UNHRC) pour établir des camps protégés pour les réfugiés à l’est du Congo. Les envoyés devraient également garantir que la MONUSCO assure la sécurité des camps. Les camps de personnes déplacées internes actuels où logent les réfugiés Rwandais servent de réserve de recrutement pour les FDLR. La création de camps de réfugiés des Nations Unies qui sont dotés d’un niveau de sécurité beaucoup plus élevé et d’une protection assurée par la MONUSCO, permettrait d’empêcher le recrutement par les FDLR dans ces camps.
  7. Des garanties de sécurité. Djinnit, Feingold, et dos Santos devraient collaborer avec le Rwanda pour fournir un plan de sécurité amélioré qui soit signé conjointement par les acteurs internationaux, et publier une nouvelle déclaration qui détaillerait des plans concrets de garanties de sécurité et de non-poursuite pour les combattants des FDLR qui ne sont pas inculpés de crimes graves. Le Rwanda a jusqu’à présent eu une politique en place, mais les accords de sécurité qui auraient été rompus ont causés la méfiance des combattants des FDLR envers les accords actuels. Un nouveau programme révisé, signé conjointement par les Nations Unies et/ou la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique austral (SADC), pourrait permettre d’entrainer l’augmentation des défections des FDLR.

Lire le rapport complet en français​ (PDF)