Monday, January 12, 2009

COMBAT MEDIC: An Australian’s eyewitness account of the Kibeho Massacre

By Terry Pickard

Those of you who are keen enough to fight for peace and reconciliation in Rwanda should listen to the interview of Mr Terry pickard on 93.3FM radio station by following this link:

Let yourself be plunged deeply into a darkness journey before discovering the untold truth about your own people.

"Brave" Peacekeepers & Peacemakers who witnessed the Kibeho massacres, should all speak up and not let any piece of truth go undiscovered.

These "brave" Peacekeepers & Peacemakers should also call upon all good citizens worldwide and share with them their stories about this massacre that went unfairly investigated and culprits unprosecuted.

Combat Medic by Terry Pickard is an eyewitness account by an Australian Army Medic who was at the “Kibeho Massacre” in Rwanda.

“Combat Medic” is a fascinating story and a journey of one man’s life, pre and post Rwanda. Pickard is vivid in his descriptions of what it was like to serve on a UN mission.

He is critical of how people have judged Peacekeeping service and the lack of bravery awards handed out to members of UNAMIR at Kibeho.

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If you want to get a copy of this book go to the following website:
or contact the publisher by email at
or by phone: +61299182168
and Fax: +61299182396.

Thank you.


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