Saturday, March 31, 2012

Africa: Stop prostituting yourselves to the West

By Lendo Kumbu

Samedi, 9 Juillet, 2011
[Message from former President Lula to his African counterparts]
[Translated from French by Ambrose Nzeyimana]

Former Brazilian President Lula humiliated African presidents at the last African Union Summit [held in Equatorial Guinea in July 2011]
Following the example of Latin America, Africa should decide to take its true independence from Western hands. The African continent which is rich in mineral resources and fertile land, would in fact have all the potential to become the first world economic power, but she is still oppressed under the colonial wrap of economic powers of the planet. This is the analysis of former Brazilian president Lula da Silva, who was [July 2011] in Equatorial Guinea for the meeting of African heads of states.
Lula invited the heads of states to open their eyes to what is happening in Africa in recent months, in Libya and Ivory Coast: “the interference of France and the United States is a serious danger to the sovereignty of African and for future generations.”
During the General Assembly, on the role of African youth, a separate session of the meeting with a theme on the Libyan crisis, Lula has accused African leaders of being greedy, thirsty for power, betraying their own countries and especially of being servants of the West! He fustigated them of damaging the black continent and throwing away its sovereignty. The motto of these heads of states, “everyone for himself, God for All”, will not advance Africa at all. There must be a sense of responsibility, humility, dignity and Unity to govern well! After criticizing the case of African leaders who came to power through a coup or the desire of Western powers, he then denounced the monopoly of [world decisions] by the five countries [permanent members of the Security Council]. He explained that: Africa Union has 1.4 billion people; Latin America 400 000 inhabitants and it is inconceivable that the United States, France, China, Russia, and Great Britain dictate what must be at the UN security council!! Especially when the global economic comes from USA [and their Western allies].
He deplored the fact that the AU was funded only by five African countries and the rest through Western donations. As a consequence, AU cannot preserve or protect African interests nor have a sound voice in international affairs. It is the same AU that legitimizes coups, rebellions or illegal activities to obtain power in Africa, ignoring the people’s will and purpose of elections. Many present heads of states held their heads down. He reiterated to tehm the French invasion on the African continent. France feeds and arms rebels in countries which have ceased to be its colonies. There are interferences in the internal affairs of African countries! It was clear the reference was Ivory Coast, where Paris with the use of force has kidnapped the President Gbagbo to make room for Ouattara.
If for Ivory Coast, nothing was done to stop the coup, AU may request the immediate ceasefire in Libya. President Jacob Zuma held the same position, and is seen as one of the main opponents to the West arguing that they do not have the right to assassinate Kaddafi.
A deep silent in the conference hall was noticeable, where presidents who are Western stooges were numerous, such as Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal who had stayed at Benghazi to recognize the Libyan rebel government, Blaise Compaore of Burkina Faso who has supported the rebellion of Ouattara against Gbagbo in Ivory Coaste, Yoweri Museveni of Uganda who fights Al Shabaab in Somalia, Paul Kagame of Rwanda who rampage on behalf of the West and then Sassou N’Guesso of Congo Brazzaville, Idriss Deby of Chad, Paul Biya of Cameroon, Faure Gnassingbe of Togo, Odinba Ali Bongo of Gabon and the last recruited on the list of agents of the powers of oppression is Allassane Ouattara of the Ivory Coast!
Since the contribution of President Lula to the annual conference of African heads of states which in 2011 was held in
Equatorial Guinea, we know that Kaddafi has been killed. And this was one of the unofficial purposes of the West and affiliated forces to invade Libya. In October 2011, a contingent of 100 US military adviserswere officially sent to Uganda. AFRICOM, the US military command for Africa, has been working around the clock to gain foot in most parts of the continent. Kony 2012 is part of the strategy. In the face of external aggressive interests for African resources which have for long postponed a prosperous future for Africans, bold resolutions and well conceived plans of action are required from true sons and daughters of the motherland.


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