Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rwanda: East- West Rumblings - What About Country's Burden of Choice?

By Louise Mushikiwabo
Spokesperson, Government of Rwanda
The New Times-Kigali
October 20, 2009

Kigali — The West's judgment on China should be none of Africa's business. In the same logic, Africa's dealing with China is a matter best handled amongst the two.

What I am trying to say here is that Rwandans are at a loss when they, along with other Africans, are chastised by the Western media and establishment for allowing China to trade with them.

Surely we assume that the right to choose our partners when doing business is a prerogative that should not be questioned.

Then there is the issue of human rights. From the argument of those who believe China should stay away from Africa, lest it enforce bad habits there, it would seem as though civil liberties are inherent to the West-and that no other part of the world understands the good they do to society.

To that kind of thinking, Rwanda opposes the simple and fundamental belief, rising out of the last fifteen years of nation rebirth; that Rwandans are better off when their rights are protected and their views heard.

If Rwanda's leadership (and Africa's) were not to provide and preserve rights for all; if we were to neglect our Environment; not seek decent wages for our workers and allow unfair competition for our merchants, then we would be failing our people.

And if we were to do so, it would not be an East or West issue: "the burden is on us", in the words of Paul Kagame, talking to the press last Friday.

Yet, here's what an article by The Economist of October 15, 2009 titled "China and Africa: Don't Worry about Killing People" says, "Mr. Kagame is sensitive to growing Western criticism of his increasingly autocratic ways, so he too may start looking east."

The author seems to imply that President Kagame should side with the West against China because the West brings more scrutiny to shortcomings in human rights.

What a selective memory! I will ignore the sponsors of coups in Africa from the time of its independence; I will also skip those using African shores as dumpsters of toxic waste; I might even close my eyes on those who chopped off the hands of workers in rubber plantations in Africa, but I will not be quiet about this: neither Paul Kagame nor China aided and abetted a genocidal regime in Rwanda; unfortunately, I cannot say the same for a number of Western countries.

Lastly--and the matter that clarifies the position of Paul Kagame and that of his Government; It's about Africa--- it has very little to do with China. Rwanda is looking West, East and any other direction, in its own interests.

Related Materials:
Paul Kagame’s blackmail aims at granting him impunity

Rwanda: Is Paul Kagame the New Hitler?

Rwanda: Economic Growth Sustained Through Free Labor

The Legacy of The Crematoriums of Rwanda

Mbandaka Terminus: The Path of Rwandan Refugee Mass Graves in Congo

Rwanda: Damning testimonies against the Rwandan Patriotic Front

Rwanda: Testimony on Kagame’s death squads

On The Legacy of Numerous Genocide Memorials in Rwanda

What they don’t tell you about Rwanda

What Really Happened in Rwanda?

The truth about the Rwandan genocide

The Truth about the Death of Maj. Gen. Fred Rwigyema

The conquest of Rwanda (1990-1994): Recognizing the international conspiracy

Rwanda: General Marcel Gatsinzi obscures the truth about the Rwandan genocide


At October 25, 2009 at 8:01 PM , Anonymous LH said...


Rwanda is a western client-State. Below article seems to ignore this reality that is an "open secret".

We would even say, a group of Tutsi warmongers from Ouganda was given a State (Rwanda) by Anglo-saxons ( USA, UK, etc ), Belgium and Israel with a clear purpose.

Rwanda is intented to be the african "Israel", fighting his neighbours for Western Interests.

In a global environment where western hegemony is more and more challenged not only by China and India ( the East), but by the South ( South America), by a matter of time, Africa will join them... Congo will lead this movement believe us, the late "role" is not the best present one will like to have.

Netters, Africom's best ally in Africa is Rwanda. And Africom is in Africa to fight for protecting western Interests.

Rwanda has even changed his official language from French to English and want to join the "club" of "Sa Majesté la reine Elisabeth". Tony Blair, former Brits Premier is now a Kagame "advisor"! Each Cabinet minister in Kigali has a western "advisor" reporting back home.

Most of Rwanda's budget is from those countries which, not only pay cheques of Rwandan militaries (not to say military equipment, military intelligence) killing innocent Congolese by millions ( as per Kansteiner III plan) come tax payers of those countries, keeping that holocaust silent is a hard task in the age of internet.

The regime in Kigali needs diplomatic cover up for his crimes in Congo ( Silent holocaust).

The regime needs the help of western powerful media to spread rwanda's "ubwenge"/good talk/culture of lie worldwide, by magicly making all the world feel "guilty" (through blacmail) when we all know that the Rwandan war was started by those warmongers from Ouganda.

Those warmongers triggered the "Rwandan genocide" but waited 3 months to "stop" the fire while the Hutu regime could have been neutralized in a matter of days saving many lives.

By the way, the western "guilt" does not come because they did not intervene to stop the genocide (if the figure of 800 000 victims is true, this means at least half are Tutsi,and half Hutu because out of the 600 000 tutsis that were in Rwanda in 1994, above 300 000 survived according to Ibuka/Rwandan government Survivor census 2007), but because they (Western Powers) planned the war since Ouganda and helped RPF keep all international military intervention impossible during the genocide, simply for political grounds.

Western Powers will never accept that the Kigali regime moves away of them. It will be too dangerous for Bill Clinton and Mr Tony Blair and all those other white killers doing "business" in Africa while killing blacks on their way ( Maurice Templeman and all the others, we have a full list).

They can very easily kill if you make them feel afraid. In Congo we know those "western friends" since early 1960 ( Lumumba) up to the attach of Kinshasa in August 1998( Kabila the father), using our black brothers Tutsis but we knew Madeleine Albright was the one who took the decision ( lucky for us, with the help of some african friends, the danger was in some extend, expelled, but never neutralized up to date).

Netters,Rwandan brothers, do not believe a word of what is written below.
The Kigali regime cannot survive long without a very robust help from its western sponsors.

They knew that since day one. Kigali knows that too. Congolese know that.

It is an open secret, let us be serious guys!


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