Sunday, December 11, 2011

President Kagame’s failed to bribe his way into President Obama’s Administration

By Johnson
December 11, 2011

President Obama's administration failed Kagame's corruption attempts !.

President Kagame never runs out of tricks to corrupt world leaders with use of money when he wants something. This time he went as far as trying to corrupt President Obama’s advisor.

This attempt of president Kagame to corrupt US officials happened after continuous remarks made by the US government demanding political change in Rwanda . Several US officials had contacted Kigali advising president Kagame to open up political space so that the opposition politicians could operate freely, ensure freedom of expression and allow Independent media to work without fear and terror.

Since Kagame was not ready to comply with the US demands as any autocratic leader , he devised other means of bribing his way to the White House!

Sources revealed to Umuvugizi that Kagame wanted to use the shameful trick to influence the White House’s decision when he offered to award a million dollar contract to one of President Obama’s advisor’s family.

According to sources, President Kagame as he always does when he wants to influence world leaders , he decided to sent his agent Col. Dr. Emmanuel Ndahiro  to negotiate  the deal with  Michael Axeload, son to one of Obama’s advisors, David Axeload as a short cut to White house.

David Axeload was rewarded a post of president Obama’s advisor after playing a big role in his presidential campaign in Chicago where he was an influential journalist by that time.

It is of this influential character of David Axeload that President Kagame based on by engaging his son Michael Axeload. This happened when president Kagame negotiated Michael Axeload’s company called Grant Park of which it was to be awarded a million Dollar contract by the Rwandan Government as a short cut to silence and influence white house’s officials.

Sources revealed to us that president Kagame’s deal of wanting to corrupt families of president Obama’s advisors was immediately detected as soon as they had started negotiating the deal thus never affected the political stand of the US Government.


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