Tuesday, December 27, 2011
December 6, 2011
For many Rwandans, particularly those who experienced the 1994 genocide, besides the impact it had over their psyche, the horror and context within which it took place, are somehow indescribable. The whole tragedy seems multi complex to grasp. It is multi-dimensional in several ways. This aspect explains at some extent the difficulty of understanding what happened for those who are foreign to Rwandan history, and even those among natives who didn’t have a particular interest in searching the root causes of their suffering, if they managed to survive.
The complexity of issues has also helped those among Rwandans, especially the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front of Paul Kagame to fool everyone about the true picture of problems which were [and continue to be] at stake, and for which millions of people have died inside the country and the Congo. Those hidden truths are still fuelling ongoing oppression of the Rwandan population, getting women and men raped in the thousands in Kivu provinces of Eastern Congo , and enabling the plundering of Congo ’s minerals.
While reading Claude Gatebuke’s interview as published on SFBV, I found it close to the way I would myself tell the story of that horrible time in the past of my country. And I would also invite you too read the whole interview, as you will certainly find new elements of the Rwandan puzzle you didn’t know.
Link to the interview at San Fransisco Bay View.
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